Monday, September 13, 2010


I really wanted to post a clip of Jerri Blank and her infamous "I've got something to say!" by way of introduction, but the copyright gods are not smiling upon me.

I decided to start this blog because I realized that I was basically using Facebook as a blog.  This way, I get to have my rants and other people get to read them if they're actually interested, not just because it showed up in their friend feed.

I expect I will rant on topics including, but not limited to, politics and theory pertaining to:
  • race
  • gender
  • feminism
  • queers
  • transgender
  • adoptee/adoption
  • fat activism/health at every size
  • ability
  • femmes
  • class
  • privilege
  • passing
  • pop culture
  • being a "nontraditional" student
  • my dog (because I'm totally one of those people)
  • and anything else that strikes my fancy/makes me ranty
Now let's get this party started with a video that I was just introduced to yesterday:

(the video for El Tigeraso features Dominican-American artist Maluca.  the music is fast-paced, she raps melodically, she walks down the street wearing a red leather bustier and curlers in her hair, encountering various people; men watch her and she scoffs at them.  she ends up performing in a club with two other female musicians.)

Can we PLEASE talk about how awesome this is?  I mean, besides the music.  Firstly, it is femmetastic!  I covet those fringed backseam tights like whoa.  Bronx-born Dominican artist Maluca is full of smart hotness. I love the way she rocks the black leather jacket near the end, with her all-lady backing band, no less!

But secondly, the explicit depiction of objectification theory in action is fabulous.  What stands out for me is the calling of attention to it:  At first, it seems almost like your basic sexy thin lady getting ready, being looked at on the street, in the salon, etc.  Where it takes the interesting turn is right at the 2:45 mark.  Before, the men were regarding her in passing - now they are in a circle around her.  She is in the middle of their objectification, she sees it, and spits it right back at them, full of contempt and dismissal.

Also, notice the way the gazes differ:  the women on the street are usually smiling and laughing with her; the men are uniformly rather stone-faced and appraising, and in some cases, almost menacing (if you've experienced street harassment, you know what I'm sayin'.).

I want to know more about this Maluca Mala person, from her own mouth.  Often artists (especially ones involved with any sort of pop-ish music) won't talk much about their artistic intention, but I hope to hear more from her.

In conclusion:  YES, YES, and oh btw, YES.


  1. I'm glad you started a blog. Perhaps I'll finally get around to starting mine.


  2. Cool! Look forward to reading more.

  3. Yay! I tend to avoid FB, so I'm glad I'll see you in my reader instead!

    One thing - if I really want a bunch of people to read something in my blog...I post a link to FB. Just sayin'.

  4. Oh yeah, I get a definite spike when I post on FB.

